
Nutrient Recycler

HyprCycle+ naturally speeds up residue digestion, increases organic matter in the soil and reduces volitization of essential nutrients. Recycles excess nutrients to prime the soil for planting.

HyprCycle+ Provides Immediate Benefits

HyprCycle+ is intended to prime the soil prior to planting or assist with residue breakdown after harvest. This dynamic stimulant is going to give your soil the tools it needs to unlock tied-up nutrients and recycle them into plant available forms.

HyprCycle+ has been known to quickly bring back earthworm populations to soils where they have been absent for extended periods of time.

*HyprCycle+ is currently in the OMRI approval process.

HyprCycle+ is Easy to Apply

HyprCycle+ is easily applied through the planter, sprayer, irrigation, or airplane. HyprCycle+ is meant to be split applied and will make your herbicides, fertilizers, insecticides, and other nutritional sprays more effective. Mixing with other inputs allows you to co-apply and reduce application passes.