Decrease Dependency, Maximize Performance

Those of us in Agriculture have been tasked with producing more with less resources.  And they have answered the call with fortitude and pride.  Why, then, do we still face the same embarrassing issues?  Little change in yields, poor plant health, compacted soil and ultimately… profit loss.  The story isn’t supposed to end this way.

With agricultural related suicide rates higher than ever, something has to give.  We believe there should be more on the table at the end of the day.  We believe one of the most noble professions is still worth fighting for.  We believe the answers to our problems are actually right beneath our feet.

Elevate Ag’s Biological Solutions are developed (and continually improved upon) by producers just like you.  Their passion for stewardship has grown into a foundation for regenerative farming practices that help improve soil health and overall production and profitability.

The first step is easy, give us a call today to schedule a visit.  We’ll take a look at your current management practices and put a simple plan together for the current growing season.  Then, we’ll help give you the tools to monitor the progress and collect real data for future decision making.  Control can be yours again!  You can break the cycle of dependency on ineffective practices today and leave a lasting legacy for tomorrow.

Learn More

Healthy soils are directly related to healthy people.  Learn more about Humic Acid and the Carbon Cycle by downloading our free PDF below.  Don’t let this year barely get you by, Elevate Ag has real solutions.

You Are Essential!

Check out this interesting article on why farmers in the US are feeling stressed and hopeless. Between climate change, the trade war with China, and farm debt, it's no wonder they're feeling isolated and overwhelmed. To make things worse, there aren't many mental health resources in rural areas. The good news is that there are things we can do to help.

You Are Not Alone!

For additional support, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a hotline for individuals in crisis or for those looking to help someone else. To speak with a certified listener, call 988.

The Crisis Text Line is a texting service for emotional crisis support. Text HOME to 741741. It is free, available 24/7, and confidential.

“I didn’t know anything about biologicals before using Elevate Ag but I knew friends who did.  I think if you can put this down and have the soil work for you like it does and do less nitrogen and synthetic products, you might be winning”. 

– Stan Cure, Western Kansas