Jessie Tigert

Located in Aberdeen, South Dakota, Jessie and her husband, Nick, live near the farm where her dad was raised. At Elevate Ag, Jessie works in marketing and communications. She has a background in greenhouse growing, where she realized her passion for soil health and plant health. 

With both of her parents being raised on farms in South Dakota, Jessie knows the importance of agriculture in general but also sees how regenerative agriculture will benefit future generations. Being a part of Elevate Ag has shown her how many others are also investing in the health of our lands. Meeting producers and learning their stories through Elevate Ag has been integral to how Jessie approaches farming. Outside of Elevate Ag, Jessie can be found gardening, cooking, or taking care of her houseplant collection. 

 “Knowing that there are so many farmers wanting to better their soil for not only their own benefit but to help generations to come has been very encouraging. Through Elevate Ag, I’ve been able to help producers share those stories and change how others view agriculture as an industry, where soil is more than just dirt,” explains Jessie.